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A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins
A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins
A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins
A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins

1876 -1878 paper money rear face with the stamp of the ottoman bank. These stamps on the 1 Lira notes all said " Enregistre par la Banque Imperiale Ottomane Constantinople. The stamps were created using metal letters and printing techniques previously denounced. (recorded by the Ottoman bank - Istanbul.) they carry the date of 1876 or 1877.



A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins

This note is very important as it clarifies the date of coming into power of Orhan Gazi, which was disputed in old Ottoman times.

Various dates from 710=1310 to 727=1327 were alleged about the death of Osman Gazi, thus coming into power of Orhan. On the other hand, it was understood from a deed dated 723=1323 that Osman Gazi was alive at that time, and from another deed dated 724=1324 that Osman had died in 724 and Orhan had come to power in his place.

Those coins made it definite that Orhan was the emperor in 724=1324.

No: 1 Silver Coin (AR) AE 18 m/m, 1 g

Front face: Lâilâhe illallah Muham-medün Resulullah
Rear face: Lehu duribe Orhan bin Osman Bursa 3


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins

No: 2 Silver coin (AR) 13 m/m, 0,92 g

Front face: Sultan bin sultan Mehmed bin Bayezid Zide ümrühü
Rear face: Duribe Amasya 812 Hullide mülkühü Han

Mehmed I (Çelebi) had silver coins printed at several places in 816=1413 with the expression (Sultan bin sultan Mehmed bin Bayezid Han). While this coin is the same as the coins dated 816, its date is 812, not 816. It is understood that the date error of this coin is due to the reverse printing of Arabic numeral 6.


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsNo: 4 Silver Coin (AR) 11 m/m, 0,62 g

Front face: Sultan Selim Han Bin Bayezid Han
Rear face: Azze nasrühü duribe Harput sene 917


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsNo: 5 Silver Coin (AR) 12 m/m, 0,55 g

Front face: Sultan Selim Şah bin Bayezid, sene 668 Ruha
Rear face: Azze nasrühü

These belong to Selim I. Selim succeeded to the throne on 918=1512. However, the coin no. 4 bears the date 917. Since Sultan Selim became the emperor on 24 April 1512 = 7 Safer 918, it is understood that the date of 917 was falsely printed on the coin no. 4. It should be accepted that the numeral 8 in the old writing was written reverse on this coin and formed a 7.


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis coin is a golden coin of Süleyman I (Kanuni). It was printed in Jeddah. It reads (Süleyman bin Beyazid). Süleyman I assigned the name of his grandfather Beyazıd Khan on this coin as well. Different from other coins, it bears the expressions of "lillah" on its front face and "el-izzi" on its rear face. Jeddah is a large city at the coast of the Red Sea and is also the harbor of Mecca.

No: 6 Golden coin (AV) 18 m/m, 3,55 g

Front face: Daribün nadri lillâh sahibül izzi vennasri filberri velbahr
Rear face: Es sultan-ül izzi Süleyman bin Selim bin, Bayezid Han azze nasrühü duribe Cidde sene


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis is a coin of Süleyman I (Kanuni). This coin was printed in Balya. Balya is a town of Balıkesir province and no coin printed in Balya was encountered until now among the Ottoman coins. In the book of Peter Jaeckel published in 1968 in Wiesbaden, showing the coining locations, the names of this city and town are not included. In this regard, Jeddah and Balya are added in the list of coining places of Ottoman coins.

No. 7 Silver Coin (AR) AE 13,5 m/m, 0,70

Front face: Sultan Süleyman Şah bin Selim Han Balya sene 926
Rear face: Azze na (srühü) duribe


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis is a coin of Sultan Süleyman I. In the catalog called Meskükât-ı Osmaniye of Halil Ethem, there is an explanation as (in a private collection another Aleppo copper coin dated 934 was seen an its front face read "sikke-i sahib-i zaman" its rear face "azze nasırühü duribe Halep 934") on this coin. Although the drawing of this copper coin is not good, it is legible. This coin was not encountered in other catalogs.

No. 8 Copper Coin (AE) AE 12 m/m, 3,05 g

Front face: Sikke-i sahib-i zaman
Rear face: Azze nasrühü duribe


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis is also a coin of Sultan Süleyman I and printed in Constantinople. However, although the date is generally 926 in the coins cut in Constantinople, the date on this coin is 962. It is concluded that this coin was also falsely made, and the order of the numerals 2 and 6 were written wrong.

No. 9 Silver Coin (AR) AE 12 m/m, 0,75

Front face: Sultan Süleyman Şah bin Selim Han
Rear face: Hullide mülkühü duribe Kostantaniye 962


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis is a silver coin of Selim II. It is the only coin printed in Hudeyde. No similar coin was encountered in the catalogs until now.

No. 10 Silver Coin (AR) AE 10 m/m, 0,58 g

Front face: Sultan Selim şah (bin) Süleyman Han
Rear face: (Azze) nasrühü duribe Hudeyde


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis coin is a silver drachma of Murad III printed in Baghdad. It has a Grand Seal and inside the seal "Gazi" is written.

No. 11 Silver drachma (AR) AE 18 m/m, 2,95 g

Front face: Tuğra han azze nasri.ihü (duribe) Bağdat
Rear face: Sultan Murad Han Gazi bin (Selim)


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and Coins

This coin is also a copper coin of Murad III. It was printed in 982 in Erzurum. On its rear face, there is a star with six corners inside Mühr-ü Süleyman (Cachet de Salomon). Although no name is written on either face of the coin, it is of Ottoman copper type and its date corresponds to the throne of Murad III.

No. 12 Copper coin (AE) AE 16 m/m, 1,40 g

Front face: (In the middle) Erzurum, ((In the periphery) Duribe 982
Rear face: Star with 6 corners inside Mührü Süleyman


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsThis coin is a golden coin called Rumî, printed in the 13th year of the reign of Mahmud II (Adlî). Having been printed in the 13th year of the reign constitutes the characteristic of this coin. Because it was known that the Rumî golden coins were printed from the 9th year until the end of 12th year of the reign of Mahmud II. No similar golden coin printed in the 13th year of the reign was encountered up to now.

No. 13 Golden coin (AV) AE 28 m/m, 4,43 g

Front face: Grand Seal (with a flower to the right)
Rear face: (13) duribe fi Kostantiniye 1223


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsIt was printed with decorative gold called "Pul" at the time of Sultan Mahmud II. It is estimated that these "pul"s were used as accessory by women at that time.

No. 14 Decorative gold - pul AE 5-9 m/m, 0,12 g

Front face: Mahmud
Rear face: Time


A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsNo. 15 AE 9 m/m, 0,40 g

Front face: Moon
Rear face: Star



A Picture of Ottoman Banknotes and CoinsAlthough golden coins printed during the first and second years of the reign of Mehmed VI (Vahidüddin), the last Ottoman Emperor, which lasted 4 years, 3 months and 28 days between 1336-1341 (1918-1922), are found, those printed in the consequent years are very rarely encountered.

No. 17 Golden coin (AV) Fiver AE 34,5 m/m, 35,82 g

Front face: Grand Seal, Year 3 (500)
Rear face: Azze nasrihü duribe fi Kostantiniye 1336

The "Ottoman Banknotes and Coins" pages has been compiled from The book "Osmanlı Bankası Arşivi ve Tahsin İşbiroğlu Koleksiyonundan Osmanlı Bankası Banknotları (1863-1914)" (Ottoman Ban Notes from the Ottoman Bank Archive and Tahsin İşbiroğlu Collection (1863-1914), Istanbul, 1999. 

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