emission 1st arrangement( Istanbul ) 200 kurush banknote ( TL) serial
number 000002 exported on 16th November 1863. With the seal of Sultan
Edhem and the signatures of Alleon and Falconnet. These words written
from a later date can be read on it " 5th july 1890. Given by Mr.
Ch. Holmes and received as a sample . Kept by the late Sir Frederic W
Smythe "
1 arrangement 1 ( Istanbul) 200 Kurush banknote's rear face(TL) 005067
serial number. Exported on 16 the November 1863. Will be paid the equivalent
in silver is found on the front face

1 (Izmir) pieces of a 200 kurush banknote (OBA) the part with 02587?
Serial number belongs to the IV arrangement , as for the others they are
understood to be from the IV or V arrangement from the visible signature of Sandik emini and the application of the signature of

Emission 200 kurush banknote corners. (OBA) 0332799 and 033448 serial
numbered pieces. V arrangement (Izmir) it is certain that they belong to
banknotes. It is shown once again that besides these numbers the empty
spaces in the number ledger between 31,001- 39,0000 are in use. As for
the corners with the serial numbers 013337 and 014946 it is possible
that they are from the II arrangement ( Istanbul) or III arrangement (

Emission 2nd arrangement. Pieces of a 5 lira banknote ( OBA) 041788
serial number. Exported on the 17th january 1874. Alleon and Smythes
signatures can be read.

Emission 2nd arrangement 5 lira banknote corners (OBA)

emission 3rd arrangement pieces of a 5 lira banknote. (OBA) 065932
serial number. Exported on the 11 May 1875 . A very small part of the
stamp of Ohannes Çamiç Effendi's seal can be seen Smythes signature
can clearly be seen.

Emission 3rd arrangement 5 lira banknote corners ( OBA)

Emission 1st arrangement 5 lira banknote pieces ( OBA) 164989 serial
number. Exported on 20 july 1885 Foster and Beauvais signature can be

Emission 1st arrangement 5 lira banknote corners ( OBA)

emission 2 lira banknote (TL) 019269 serial banknote exported on the
27th November 1869 . With the seal of Aristidi Bey and the signatures of
Alleon and Smythe. Canceled with the word ANNULE written on the face of
the note and it is understood from the perforation PAYE that it was paid
out. According to bank records this note was cancelled on 12 September

kurush paper money (TL) with the seal of Murad V 2-31208 serial number
According to the records of the Ottoman bank this note was numbered on
5th October 1876 . with the seal of Sultan Galib.

20 kurush paper money with the seal of Murad V (TL) 2-31208 serial
number . According to the records of the Ottoman bank this note was
numbered on the 30th august 1876, the day that Murad was put off the
throne. With the seal of Sultan Galib